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Hongyuan new material Professional manufacturer of zirconium products


Hongyuan new material Professional manufacturer of zirconium products


Shandong Hongyuan new Mstar Technology Lid is a company specializing in the production of zirconium and hafnium chemical product enterprise,is located in the Gulf of Bohai Provincal Chemical Industrial Park Xinhai Wudi County of Shandong province Binzhou City Industrial park. 200 km from the capital airport,Tianjin 120 km. 28 km from Binzhou port, Rong Wu high-speed Wudi export 8 km.Highway. waterway transportation is very convenient.



Hongyuan new materials

We only do one thing

Research and production of zirconium products

consulting service


Company honor

Company honor

Hongyuan new material is used

Everybody agreed

Learn more about the hotline >>



Quality assurance is safe and reliable

In line with national standards of quality testing, dozens of engineering checks at each level Repeated quality inspection strict quality and safety requirements

High-tech cost-effective service guarantee

Company advanced technology and equipment, a high degree of automation, technology leader in the world, the test means complete

In the same industry in the leading domestic level

Equipment advantages

Equipment advantages

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